Long Covid is becoming a significant problem for Kiwis

Long Covid is becoming a significant problem for Kiwis

The nationwide study of Long Covid has resurfaced after a reflection on the large number of Kiwis that have caught COVID-19.

The idea for sick leave and employment support policies to be modified is up in the air as Long Covid is being more recognised. 

Dr. Brian Betty told Leah & Mark that Long Covid is becoming a significant issue in New Zealand that needs to be focused on. 

"There is no doubt that patients can experience persistent symptoms after covid," said Dr. Betty.

"Post-12 weeks, we start to use this term Long Covid syndrome.

"The difference here and what's happened with COVID is so many people across New Zealand have been affected by COVID.

"Three million people have been affected by COVID and we're saying that 1 percent could have Long Covid. That's about 30,000 patients."

Dr. Betty stated that at the moment, it is very unclear what the best course of action is if someone has Long Covid because we are still in the early stages of the problem. 

"I think the focus should be on recovery, that things will gradually improve and get better.

"Stress reduction is really important.

"We know that exercise or an exercise program may be really important to assist recovery.

"But we absolutely don't know why some people may fall into this category of long Covid and others don't."

Listen to the full interview between Dr. Brian Betty and Leah & Mark above.

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