'Nothing new' - Royal commentator tells all about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Netflix docuse

'Nothing new' - Royal commentator tells all about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Netflix docuse

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle didn’t hold back in the first three episodes of their Netflix docuseries.

The couple take aim at the unconscious bias inside the royal family and the tabloid pressure which eventually ousted them.

Prince Harry talked about women dating royal family members.

"[The] Pain and suffering of women marrying into this institution… I remember thinking, how can I ever find someone who is willing and capable to be able to withstand all the baggage that comes with being with me?" Prince Harry said.

"Every relationship that I had, within a matter of weeks or months, was splattered all over the newspapers and that person's family harassed and their lives turned upside down.

"So after one or two girlfriends, the third or fourth girlfriend made me be like, hang on a second, I don't know if I want this."

However, some speculate it’s not quite as candid as it seems - with so-called 'plot holes' being picked up already.

Royal commentator Gareth Barlow told Tova O'Brien the series is a bit of a "mixed book" so far. 

"Nothing major was new," Barlow said.

"We had lots of things we'd seen before… Lots of the points made about press intrusion, about how Harry, throughout the course of his life with his family, being hounded by the paparazzi, the issues around race and how that was reported for Meghan - I don't think there was anything overly explosive.

"I'm sure the royal family and whoever those advising them probably are breathing a slight sigh of relief."

Barlow said the public's reaction has similarly been mixed.

"I saw one comment that said it's a selfie on a global stage, another review said it was sickening. 

"Many people who connect very deeply with them because they are a very personable couple… [are] fully standing behind them, supporting them."

However, Barlow does believe more apathy is now developing after these three episodes were released - as he repeats there is "nothing new" shown in the series. 

"We obviously have another three episodes yet to come, we don't know what's going to happen there and what's going to be said… but I think people are getting a little weary of this now. 

"There is still that side that, yes, you have been thoroughly hounded, yes, there's been an awful lot of intrusion to your lives - but you are still in the position to be multi-billionaires, to have private security, to be able to tell your story on Netflix.

"It's a tricky sell for the couple, and I'm not quite sure if they managed it."

Listen to the full interview between Gareth Barlow and Tova above.

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