Green Party frustrated at Government's inaction against Iranian regime after public execution

Green Party frustrated at Government's inaction against Iranian regime after public execution

New Zealanders are being urged to take to social media to show their support for Iranian protestors.

Three more demonstrators have been sentenced to death, just days after two men were executed.

Iranian New Zealander Hannah Habibi says we need to remind the regime that the world is watching.

"Follow the news and hashtag and support through social platforms it might limit the brutality."

Habibi, however, doesn't think it will have the desired effect.

"Another symbolic act that honestly, sincerely I don't think will have an impact on what they do."

Green MPs have written directly to the country's Supreme leader, condemning the execution of protestors.

Their foreign affairs spokesperson, Golriz Ghahraman believes New Zealand is being left behind.

"We have seen that action very swiftly from some Western nations, most of our allies and nothing from New Zealand.

"New Zealand is really, really falling behind at this moment in history."

Habibi believes that there are more powerful things New Zealand can do.

"Cut ties with them, reduce your diplomatic relations with them. 

"Everybody knows that the Islamic Revolutionary Gaurd is the backbone of this regime so by declaring it as a terrorist organisation New Zealand and other countries around the world can play an important role to limit their reach, to limit their power."

Habibi did express her gratitude for any action, small or big, that has been taken against the Iranian regime.