Religiously identify as Jedi? - The 2022 Census will count you

Religiously identify as Jedi? - The 2022 Census will count you

New Zealanders who believe in the Jedi force can officially declare it as their religion in the upcoming 2022 Census.

This will be the second Census since a 2017 rule change that allowed Jedi to be officially recognised as a religion in the Census.

The Jedi Census phenomenon originated from a 2001 chain email before the separate censuses that year in New Zealand, Australia, and the United Kingdom. 

Over 50,000 people declared themselves part of the religion in 2001. Statistics New Zealand at the time treated Jedi responses as "Answer understood, but will not be counted."

In 2017, a challenge through the Human Rights Commission recognised that a Government department must protect an individual's right to religious belief, allowing those who wished to have their religion identified as Jedi to do so. 

According to the Jedi Census NZ Facebook page, the change was 'hard won', and they encouraged their page followers to share the post and 'Help us spread the word.'

In the 2018 Census, 20,409 people selected Jedi as their religion. 

The New Zealand Census is due to take place on March 7, 2023. It remains to be seen how many people will choose to identify as Jedi this time around. 

Nonetheless, those who strongly believe in the Jedi force now have the opportunity to officially declare it as their religion, May the force be with them.