University of Auckland staff strike for improved pay and better conditions for future employees

University of Auckland staff strike for improved pay and better conditions for future employees

University of Auckland (UoA) students are set to face a disruptive start to their academic year, as their lecturers walk off the job during the first week of classes. 

A strike has been called by members of the Tertiary Education Union (TEU), who are demanding fair wages from their employers, it is the union's second industrial action since October.

According to TEU members, UoA has the financial resources to pay its staff more, but instead, they are pushing for a collective agreement that bases potential wage rises on a performance system. 

Nicole Wallace, the TEU strike organiser spoke to Tova on Wednesday morning and said striking was their last resort.

"On very substantive issues, the employer here has refused to move," Wallace said.

"The union have been very open to different solutions, we've moved a lot and put various ways to move forward on the table and unfortunately, the employer has just said they're not doing any of them."

Earlier strikes and COVID-related disruptions have already derailed the education schedule for students. O'Brien asked Wallace whether the union has taken into account the potential impact of the strike on students.

"Absolutely, it's something that our members take very seriously and this sort of strike action is completely unprecedented for that very reason. Ultimately, staff working conditions are student learning conditions. 

"Staff at the UoA have also had an extremely hard time during the COVID pandemic, they had to switch to new ways of working, workloads increased massively, and they've got a high turnover."

Wallace highlighted that some of the reasons for the strike are geared towards the welfare of future employees, as numerous students are expected to be hired by the university.

The strike will take place on Wednesday and Thursday, with TEU members rallying outside the Clock Tower on Princes Street from 1:30 pm onwards on Wednesday and between 11:00 am and midday on Thursday. 

Listen to the full interview between Nicole Wallace and Tova above.

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