Beach Hop 2023 is underway in Whangamatā

Beach Hop 2023 is underway in Whangamatā

With tens of thousands of people attending the annual Beach Hop this weekend, this is a much-needed boost for the Coromandel.

It's the country's most popular nostalgia festival, with car parades, live music, and fashion shows, set to a rock 'n' roll soundtrack.

The festival started on Wednesday in Waihī, moving on to Onemana on Friday, and finishing this weekend in Whangamatā.

Magic FM's Mark Smith said the event has been going for over two decades.

"Beach Hop started in 2000, it was a rock 'n' roll festival," Smith said.

"23 years later it's the biggest retro Hot Rod, rock 'n' roll, and vintage show in the southern hemisphere, for anywhere up to 250 thousand people over five days."

For more information visit the festival's website.