Connecting the wop wops to the grid

Connecting the wop wops to the grid

Some of New Zealand's most remote communities will receive broadband for the first time, thanks to a new Government-led initiative.

The $15 million Remote Users Scheme aims to equip as many remote households as possible with the connectivity infrastructure needed to access broadband services.

Netspeed managing director Stan Rivett told REX Today a lot of customers have connectivity on a top of a hill but don't actually live on that exact hill. 

"We've got quite a few customers where we've built sites on the hill to connect them and then done a wireless link down to the house. If the Government is going to chip in some money to help people do that, that's fantastic," Rivett said. 

With modern farming becoming more technology and internet-based, he said connectivity in remote areas has never been more important. 

"We're running cables from tops of hills or point-to-point links from tops of hills, there are solar sites and all sorts of stuff. You have to really get a bit creative with some places, it's not like connecting someone in the city." 

Netspeed was also upping its offering and releasing a mobile phone next month. 

"We've got a range of phones from billy basics up to a flash iPhone, whatever you want, or you can just bring your own phone over, it's as easy as that." 

Their deals would start from $30 a month for a basic plan and would also include discounts for customers who had Netspeed Broadband. 

The Remote Users Scheme was announced as part of the broader $60 million rural connectivity package earlier in the year.

Crown Infrastructure Partners (CIP) would administer the Remote Users Scheme and would soon be calling for applications from potentially eligible households and communities. 

A request for a proposal from internet service providers will follow. It is expected new broadband connectivity infrastructure for the eligible areas and households can begin being built in mid-2023.

This article was produced in partnership with Netspeed and TodayFM. 

Listen to the full interview with Netspeed and REX Today above.