'Ferraris Of The Air' Kārearea Falcon Trust's Mission To Restore Native Bird Population

'Ferraris Of The Air' Kārearea Falcon Trust's Mission To Restore Native Bird Population

The Kārearea Falcon Trust aims to protect and preserve the native Kārearea (or New Zealand) Falcon with the hopes of building back the thriving and sustainable population that once graced Aotearoa's skies.

Falconer Holly Turner shares her remarkable journey from the UK to New Zealand, with REX Producer Jo Grigg, revealing the intricate details of raising young falcons, their unique behaviours and the vital conservation efforts underway.

She delves into the Trust's breeding and rehabilitation programs, the challenges of protecting falcon nests in forestry areas and the innovative Adopt-a-Falcon fundraiser.

Listen to the full chat between Holly Turner and Dominic George above.

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