Global Dairy Trade Sees Minor Increase Despite Negative Expectations

Global Dairy Trade Sees Minor Increase Despite Negative Expectations

HighGround Dairy Analyst Stu Davison chats to Dom about the latest Global Dairy Trade (GDT) auction. 

Despite a very modest price increase in the overall GDT, Davison's reports some strong buying from China in Whole Milk Powder (WMP), Lactose (LAC), and Mozzarella (MOZZ) as positive takeaways for Kiwi farmers.

He also discusses which products had a less successful auction and explores some potential reasons behind the declines as well as when they might see some improvement.

Switching gears, Davison dives into the stock market's recent volatility, driven by macroeconomic factors and emotional market sentiment and touches on the recent announcement of Tim Waltz's nomination as the US Democratic Party's VP pick highlighting the potential impact this could have on rural voters. 

Listen to the full chat between Stu Davison and Dominic George above.

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