North Canterbury Farmer Ian Knowles On Tackling Fire + Drought Challenges

North Canterbury Farmer Ian Knowles On Tackling Fire + Drought Challenges

The long spell of dry weather that has ravaged parts of the South Island for significant parts of this year has caused North Canterbury farmer Ian Knowles some serious problems including losing parts of his property to a fire in February and facing a persistent drought throughout 2024.

Knowles recounts the fire earlier in the year, praising the rapid response of fire crews helping to minimise the damage as much as possible.

He also addresses the ongoing drought conditions, touching on the tough decisions farmers face regarding livestock and feed management, particularly when transitioning between seasons.

Knowles highlights the importance of community support when facing long-term obstacles and the value of sustainable farming practices in these sorts of situations.

Listen to the full chat between Ian Knowles and Dominic George above.

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