Sophie Land’s Epic 475 km Walk To Support Rural Communities

Sophie Land’s Epic 475 km Walk To Support Rural Communities

Whāngārā farmer Sophie Land is a wife, mother of four kids and soon-to-be ultra-distance walker/jogger as she and a group of friends are set to take on the 475km East Coast Loop to raise funds for the Rural Support Trust.

As someone who experienced a lot of the hardship the East Coast region has faced in the last 18 months, Land explains how a recent experience completing an Outward Bound course inspired her to pass the baton on and do her part to help others.

She invites anyone and everyone to join the group for a portion of the journey, whether it's just a wander down the road or a 5,10, or even 20km walk, everyone is welcome.

Land explains the planned timeline for the trip, how she and her friends have prepared and what she expects from the gruelling task ahead.

Follow her progress and find more information on how to donate to support her cause on Instagram at @EastCoast_Loop.

Listen to the full chat between Sophie Land and Julia Jones above.

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