Will he or won't he? Former US President Donald Trump on potential 2024 election announcement
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Will he or won't he? Former US President Donald Trump on potential 2024 election announcement

Will he, or won't he?

That's the question on everyone's lips this week, as speculation grows that Donald Trump will announce his Presidential run for 2024. 

Our World News Editor Kate Gregan reports. 

Before the midterm election results came pouring in, the former President was full of confidence. 

"I'm going to be making a very big announcement on Tuesday, November 15 at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida."

But the predicted "red tsunami" was more of a trickle.

Now, some Republican leaders are calling on Donald Trump to delay this week's "big announcement". 

Many of his favoured candidates - including election deniers in key swing states - lost to Democrats.

That's left the former President in a vulnerable position. 

Republican strategist, John Feehery - told News Nation - Trump's involvement in the midterms actually hurt the party. 

"This is a real blight on him. I think that he's the one that everyone is going to turn to and say why the hell did you open your mouth, you hurt your own cause and you hurt the republican cause."

Meanwhile, the former Republican Vice President - Mike Pence - also doesn't seem too keen on having Trump at the helm in 2024.

There are a number of other ambitious Republicans who want to be the next President - like the Governor of Florida, Ron de Santis. 

Trump knows this - and has been publicly putting him down, by giving him a nasty nickname. 

Then there's the question of why Trump's looking at announcing his bid SO early -- the next Presidential election is still two years away. 

But the Conservative Political commentator Erick Erickson says - it's all about the money. 

"The reason he's jumping out right now is that Ken Griffin, of Citadel, a hedge fund, decided to go with Ron De Santis and Trump is trying to stop other donors from heading that way as well.

"He doesn't want to spend his money, he wants to spend everybody else's money."

According to a recent poll, GOP voters say they trust Ron DeSantis OVER Donald Trump to guide the Republican party into the future.