Jodie Dorday ignored her role as Mrs. Wilkinson in Billy Elliot

Jodie Dorday ignored her role as Mrs. Wilkinson in Billy Elliot

Jodie Dorday spoke on Sunday Café with Carly Flynn about how she originally ignored a role in the play, Billy Elliot. 

"It's a massive role, the Mrs. Wilkinson role in Billy Elliot," said Dorday.

"She sings, she taps, she skips. I was a bit frightened actually, so I was kind of avoiding it.

"So my mum said, look, let's do this. 

"We got the whole family involved.

"My son played a character and my husband played another character. 

"I just didn't think anything of it and sent off the audition."

Dorday was not expecting anything from auditioning so disregarded any updates about the role as she had been living in Bali and out of New Zealand for years.

"They emailed me and said, oh, great audition, we need to hear you sing. 

"I just ignored the email and then there was another kind of email that came through with a slightly bigger font.

"I kind of ignored that one too.

"By the fourth day I got this email which had a font that was off the map and there were a few expletives saying, for sake, we need to see you sing.

"So I sat there for two days trying to record myself and copying the woman at the West End production centres and got it.”

Listen to the full interview between Jodie Dorday and Carly Flynn above.

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