The future of Today FM is facing some serious uncertainty this morning

The future of Today FM is facing some serious uncertainty this morning

Uncertainty looms over the future of Today FM, as the resignation of Dallas Gurney, the Head of News and the architect of Today FM, has left the team feeling exposed. 

Recently, the now former CEO of MediaWorks, Cam Wallace, also resigned, and since then, the team has not been able to receive the same level of assurance from the board or acting CEO Wendy Palmer about the future of the radio station. Today FM was promised a long-term strategy, but the current situation has left the team unsure of what the future holds.

During a debate club segment, Tova O'Brien, along with Carly Flynn and Duncan Garner broke away from the usual programming to talk about the current situation at Today FM. They revealed that the company is bleeding cash, and that media companies are the first to be affected during a recession. The team also shared their fears that the radio station may not have a line of defence anymore, which could lead to further uncertainty.

The team acknowledged that Today FM is the newest station in the MeidaWorks group as an effort to future-proof the company. However, they also admitted that they are scared and do not know what the future holds. The team wanted to be honest with their listeners and share their fears about the uncertain future of Today FM.

The situation at Today FM highlights the challenges faced by media companies during economic downturns. The team at Today FM are hopeful for the best but is also realistic about the challenges ahead. As the media landscape continues to evolve, it remains to be seen how Today FM will navigate the current economic climate and emerge from this uncertain period.

A station wide meeting has been called with CEO Wendy Palmer. We will have more updates for you as they come.

In the mean time, here is some of your feedback after the Tova team made the announcement this morning.

My support is for you guys! Great show, very informative and tough questions and conversations had! Hope the board signs off on keeping Today FM.

I love all you guys at Today FM I hope you survive, you are the best in the biz. James Feilding

You guys! No. Please please. You've been my sanity, my air-friend, my connection through covid and Gabrielle. I love each and every one of you. Be strong and my thoughts are with you. Brenda

I've never listened to talk radio til you guys. Thanks for sharing what's happening.

I love Today FM! Don't go anywhere.

I would pay a subscription to listen to you!!

We need today FM.we love you

Please please please don't go ANYWHERE... We love you all so muchie You get me through my day EVERY DAY 😱😱😱WE ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOU ALL 🥰💜🥰💜

110% behind TodayFM! NZ neeeds the balance that you guys bring to the table!

Hi Guys No way No way You are the only station that keeps accountability I'll will and many thousands more will give $ to keep you alive Kia Kaha Thanks Tony

You three are the top media journalists in the country. They'd be dumb to shut you down. But don't worry, you'll always find work! Well done team.

I will be lost if Today email is gone. A.Reed 

Hey guys you've become my number 1, go-to radio station and I won't listen to anything else now. I'm gutted to hear the conversation just now. I don't always agree with you but I always get something back from listening to each of you. Kia kaha! Xxx Lakshi

Sad news, just discovered this station. Kia kaha.

Geeze listening to you guys . This isn't good to hear . Only stn I listen to all day and night too. Good luck to you all . Chris.

Oh guys I love your show!! Tova amazing and Duncan omg next level I actually love you. ❤️ you have actually got me through some pretty dark days x thank you kelly

That's also why Duncan that stories like the one you just mentioned are so important that we have you on air to hear all the stories , live as they are happening. People Need you on air. X