Toxic spinach on the loose in Australia

Toxic spinach on the loose in Australia

Toxic spinach has sparked an urgent health alert in Australia after people suffered severe sickness and hallucinations.

Nine people have needed medical care after eating baby spinach from Costco.

"No one has died, so we're very happy with that and we hope it remains that way, but these people are quite sick... to the point of marked hallucinations,” says Dr Darren Roberts, from the state's Poisons Information Centre.

Health authorities say their symptoms have also included delirium, spiked heart rates, and blurred vision.

The spinach is believed to have been contaminated by a weed.

New South Wales Health has alerted the public to immediately contact emergency care if affected by these strange symptoms. 

So far only people from Sydney have become sick from this hallucinogenic spinach but it is currently being investigated across the country.