$200 fine - Homeless living in cars targeted by freedom camping bylaw in Nelson

$200 fine - Homeless living in cars targeted by freedom camping bylaw in Nelson

People living in their cars in Nelson are being issued fines of NZD$200 when attempting to park near public toilets. 

This has become a significant concern for the local community, with advocacy group The Male Room speaking out against the fines. 

The group claims that local men who live in their vehicles are being disproportionately affected, and are facing fines that they will never be able to pay off.

Director and founder of The Male Room Philip Chapman spoke to Tova O'Brien on Wednesday morning to explain the issue further.

"I've been to the council and I've said to them this isn't the issue," Chapman said.

"The point is, why are they in the cars, why is the council doing nothing? What's the point of fining these people because they're never going to pay?"

O'Brien asked Chapman if there is enough emergency housing available in Nelson.

"Nothing, backpackers won't even take people from WINZ."

Despite the lack of emergency housing, Chapman and The Male Room are doing what they can to help.

"I'm offering tents, that's the best I can do, second-hand tents and possibly a sleeping bag and a pad to lay on. 

"There is nothing here in Nelson and I'm sure that right throughout the country we're not alone in that."

Listen to the full interview between Philip Chapman and Tova above.

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