'Her face was swollen, black and blue' Mother recounts daughter's harrowing bullying experiene

'Her face was swollen, black and blue' Mother recounts daughter's harrowing bullying experiene

In Nelson, there has been another case of violent schoolyard assault. 

This week, there has been another case, with Lloyd Burr receiving this email from a mother on Wednesday: 

"My 13-year-old daughter was almost killed yesterday by a group of school girls who kicked her repeatedly in her head severely," the email reads. 

"So many kids are brutally attacked & bullied on a daily & I feel not much is being done to support these victims & protect them." 

The letter finishes by saying: "My daughter may have not come home alive due to this." 

Lloyd Burr spoke to the anonymous mother who sent the email, asking if her daughter is okay.

"My daughter's absolutely traumatised. I can't even describe it," the mother said.

"She was pushed to the ground and she was really badly grazed… This girl kept kicking her in the head, stomping on her face.

"She was bleeding all over her face. Her face was swollen, black and blue… My daughter had a concussion from this.

"She's petrified to open the windows and doors at home because of this incident. When I walk around the corner at home, she jumps.

"It is really heartbreaking."

The mother said a friend of her daughters was with her at school during the time of the beating, and said without her, her daughter may not have made it out alive. 

"[My daughter's] friend said this kid stomped on her so hard, she'd never seen this sort of behaviour in her life," the mother said.

"They managed to get out of one of the gates of the college… My daughter's friend found a bush that was hidden where they could see the girls and they could hear them calling out for my daughter, trying to get at her again.

"Thankfully, they made it down the pathway."

The mother said police are currently dealing with the incident, telling Burr she is "grateful" for their involvement. 

"They've been in contact with me throughout last week and this week," she said.

"[The girls who assaulted my daughter] have been suspended from the school, so they are not allowed in and they have had a trespass notice.

"As far as I understand at this point, it is a slow process… but we are pushing forward to get the best results we can and hopefully these kids think twice."

Listen to the full interview between this mother and Lloyd Burr above.

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