Chris Hipkins explains why the TVNZ-RNZ merger was canned

Chris Hipkins explains why the TVNZ-RNZ merger was canned

If you've never heard of ANZPM, based on the Government's announcement on Wednesday afternoon, you probably won't hear of it again. 

It stands for Aotearoa New Zealand Public Media, the name for the merged RNZ and TVNZ. 

New Prime Minister Chris Hipkins has kiboshed the merger, which was meant to launch in a few months. 

So why has this cornerstone policy of Labour been scrapped... the Prime Minister spoke to Lloyd Burr on Wednesday afternoon to explain.

"Ultimately I think we've got to focus on the issues that are immediate and offer priority to New Zealanders at the moment," Hipkins told Burr.

"There are other ways that we can ensure the sustainability of public broadcasting and of public media content, that don't involve wholesale structural reform - and that's what we will pursue.

"I think New Zealanders want to see us focus down and narrow down our attention on the issues that are immediate for them at the moment, and that's what we're doing."

In December Tova O'Brien spoke to then Deputy Prime Minister Grant Robertson about the merger. In the interview, he said the government had spent $23 million on the RNZ/TVNZ merger. Burr put to Hipkins how much of the 40 million dollar budget set aside for ANZPM has been spent now the merger is off the cards. 

"I haven't got an exact number in front of me on what's been spent so far.

"As I indicated, when we reprioritize that does mean that some of the investment that's previously been made won't be able to be recouped."

Burr and Hipkins go on to discuss the other policies that the government purged on Wednesday.

Listen to the full interview between Chris Hipkins and Lloyd Burr above.

You can also download the full interview on the Lloyd Burr Live podcast, and listen on the go. 

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