National Party’s leader Luxon promises to cut Government spending
National Party
National Party

National Party’s leader Luxon promises to cut Government spending

Cost-of-living is front and centre of National leader Christopher Luxon's State of the Nation speech.

He stated that the Labour Government has concentrated on things that don't matter, spending $1 billion dollars more each week than National was in 2017. 

Luxon outlined his credentials to be the next Prime Minister, focusing on the cost of living and investing in success.

A child care tax rebate of up to $75 a week was announced with 25 percent of costs returning to parents, to help young families. 

“National’s FamilyBoost childcare tax rebate is expected to help 130,000 low-and middle-income families keep more of what they earn," said Luxon.

“Families earning up to $180,000 will receive a 25 percent rebate on their early childhood education expenses.

“FamilyBoost will cost $249 million per year and will be fully funded from money saved reversing the blow-out in wasteful spending on public sector consultants."

National's leader has accused Labour of setting a legacy no Government wants to claim by stating he will cut wasteful spending such as the scrapped TVNZ-RNZ merger. 

“National’s priority is helping Kiwis get ahead," commented Luxon.

"By cutting Labour’s consultancy spend National will make it happen.

“Labour has failed to present a plan for the economy. 

"FamilyBoost will provide relief for young families by letting them keep more of what they earn.”