National to prioritise teacher wages, if elected
National Party
National Party

National to prioritise teacher wages, if elected

Terrible timing for poor old Christopher Luxon - just as he’s been hit by a bad poll, he’s also come down with COVID-19.

National Deputy Leader Nicola Willis filled in for Luxon on Wednesday morning, telling Tova O'Brien that, if elected, National would make increasing the wages of teachers a priority.

"When I talk to New Zealanders about what they value and where they want their taxes going, one of the things that people want to see is our teachers paid fairly," Willis said.

"They do really important work not only for our families but for the future of our economy because if we are not educating our kids well, New Zealand will not be a wealthier place."

She admitted that it is a complicated process and couldn't specify how wage increases would be funded, but assured O'Brien it is something they would like to focus on.

"There are a lot of elements to a teacher payment settlement," she said.

"I am not going to make a specific detail of how we are going to settle those claims but what you are hearing from me is a commitment that we want real wages for teachers to rise over time and that will be a priority for us."

Despite a dip in popularity in the latest TV poll, Willis said the party is fully behind their leader.

"We have 100 percent confidence in Chris," Willis said.

"We will be backing him all the way into the Prime Ministership."

Listen to the full interview between National Party Deputy Leader Nicola Willis and Tova above.

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