'What Are We Going To Do With All These Pine Trees In 30 Years?' Toby Williams On Horror Report

'What Are We Going To Do With All These Pine Trees In 30 Years?' Toby Williams On Horror Report

The 'Why Pines?' report, recently released by the Our Land and Water National Science Challenge, has been described as a 'horror story' by Federated Farmers.

Meat and Wool Chair Toby Williams explains to Dom exactly why this report is such terrible news for sheep farmers in particular.

Williams paints a vivid picture of the socio-economic fallout, including the closure of local schools and rugby clubs, which are the heart of rural communities. 

He delves into the urgent need for a balanced approach to land use, advocating for more permanent native plantations to ensure community and environmental well-being.

Listen to the full chat between Toby Williams and Dominic George above.

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