Hard Hill Country Genetics Leading The Way With Virtual Fencing

Hard Hill Country Genetics Leading The Way With Virtual Fencing

Halter is a company that aims to remove the barrier of physical fencing and open up a new world of rotational grazing with its innovative virtual fencing wearable collars.

James Parsons, Managing Director of Hard Hill Country Genetics, talks about his experience as the pioneering 'guinea pig' farm for Halter's beef wearable collars. 

He dives into the benefits of precision grazing, including better pasture growth and feed quality, and emphasises the need for farmers to adapt and integrate new technologies with traditional farming skills. 

Parsons talks in particular about how it benefits properties with harsh landscapes that make physical fencing expensive, labour-intensive and impractical, noting how virtual fencing has personally saved him a lot of time and money in this area.

Listen to the full chat between James Parsons and Julia Jones above.

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