German football supporter stands up for LGBTQ+ fan rights in Qatar

German football supporter stands up for LGBTQ+ fan rights in Qatar

Two months ago a relatively unknown German football fan, Dario Minden, stood in front of Qatar’s ambassador to his country and said this.

"I'm a man and I love other men. I do - please don’t be shocked - have sex with other men. This is normal. So please get used to it, or stay out of football, because the most important rule in football is… football is for everyone"

The massive sporting event is clouded in controversy, not only for Qatar’s appalling human rights record for the migrant labourers tasked with building the stadiums, but also for the state’s treatment of LGBTQ+ people.

In Qatar, same-sex sexual activity is illegal and punishable by seven years in jail and under an interpretation of sharia law, can even lead to a death sentence.

Minden's statement has gone viral. He spoke to Tova O'Brien on Monday morning and was asked if he felt his statement had been heard.

"I feel kind of hurt. I don't know if the message is getting relayed through the Qatari side," Minden told O'Brien.

While Minden doesn't speak for the entire LGBTQ+ football fans community, O'Brien asked Minden what he plans to do for this World Cup.

"I'm not watching it. I think if people are watching or not, it's a small consumer choice. I think it's more important to make a clear message that this tournament is not normal. It's not okay in regard to many things like you mentioned, also the migrant worker situation, it's just too much.

"It seems that no value cares other than the money value and that's a huge problem."

Listen to the full interview between Dario Minden and Tova above.

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