Wicken Jewellery harness the elements of witches in their business

Wicken Jewellery harness the elements of witches in their business

Wicken Jewellery launched in 2016 at local New Zealand markets and aims to harness the symbols and knowledge of Wicca.

Their purpose is to not only to adorn the body but to inspire the soul and invigorate the spirit with collections that hold true meaning with each piece acting like a talisman. 

Mum and son duo, Kim and Mitchell Mackay spoke with Mel Homer on Sunday Café about how Wicken Jewellery managed during Covid. 

"We had such an amazing customer base," said Kim Mackay. 

"People were coming to us. They were needing guidance and they were needing their strength."

For Wicken Jewellery it is not unusual for people to come into their shop and start bursting into tears after connecting to a jewellery piece. 

"When it happens though, I'm really actually happy," commented Kim Mackay. 

"We’ve got the right piece for you. 

"You've now released that emotion and it's coming out. You're going to be on your way. You're going to be okay.

"I think that's been a big part of how the brand has grown, because it's literally through word of mouth."

Kim Mackay explained the real meaning behind the embellishments of witches and how Wicken Jewellery integrates these elements. 

"To me, a witch is a healer and someone that is very strong in their own convictions and has usually been through a fair amount in life.

"We do that with a lot of our customers, a lot of pieces going and putting boundaries around yourself.

"The witch hat is actually to raise your vibration and offer protection, that's the point of the hat to bring in spiritual energy and the black is for protection.

"The witch's broom is actually to sweep out negativity from a house or your business. 

"We sweep the store everyday to keep the energy clear."

Listen to the full interview between Kim & Mitchell Mackay and Mel Homer above.

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