Lloyd Burr: Turkey deserves more than a token NZ$1 million

Lloyd Burr: Turkey deserves more than a token NZ$1 million

Opinion: The death toll of the 7.8 and 7.5 magnitude quakes in Turkey is currently more than 4,000. 

That's quite a staggering number. 30,000 people possibly dead. 

The area affected is vast too, and is home to millions of people - many of whom have been displaced. 

So far 5,606 buildings have collapsed, and that number keeps rising. 

Our government has pledged $1 million to Turkey's relief fund, and $500,000 to Syria. 

But we should be giving much more. 

Australia has pledged $10 million. 

We should also be offering some of our SAR teams, and some of those with experience from Christchurch 2011.

We know first-hand how horrific the impact of earthquakes can be - and we should help ease the burden on Turkish authorities struggling with this. 

New Zealand has a long relationship with Turkey.  

Gallipoli is in Turkey and the peninsula is the site where 2,779 Kiwis died in the First World War. 

Many of them are still buried there, including my great-great Uncle Arthur Herbert White. 

Above Breaker Bay in Wellington - just up from the Wahine memorial - is the Ataturk Memorial. It's a beautiful site. 

Ataturk was the father of modern Turkey. He led the Ottoman forces against the Allies in Gallipoli. 

He was formidable and is cherished to this day across Turkey, immortalised in hundreds of statues and memorials. 

So while $1 million is a good start, it's just that: a start. It needs to be more. It needs to be more substantial and less token. 

While Turkey is on the other side of the world to us - our histories are intertwined, we're friends, and they need our help.