Lloyd Burr: Are Harry Styles' groupies climate change hypocrites?

Lloyd Burr: Are Harry Styles' groupies climate change hypocrites?

Lloyd Burr: Are Harry Styles' groupies climate change hypocrites?

There were holding signs that said: 

"Don't be a fossil fool" 

"You can't drink oil or eat plastic" 

"Protect the oceans" 

"Don't drop rubbish, it's not healthy for the planet"

"Respect water"

And good on them for doing that. We do need action on climate change. 

I do wonder though how many of those protesters went to Harry Styles' concert, where the majority of the 40,000 attendees there were teens. 

They were wearing brightly coloured feather boas.

And those oil-derived, polyester boas moult. They moult really badly. 

I was there at Harry Styles. Walking up and around the stadium to our gate, there was a kaleidoscope of feathers littering everywhere you looked. 

Because they are so light, the wind blows them everywhere. 

They were all over the footpath, in gardens, the grass, mulch, gutters and on the road. Everywhere. 

And when it rains next, those plastic non-compostable feathers will wash into the stormwater system and out into the Manukau Harbour. 

The tides will take them out to sea where they'll be eaten by fish, birds, turtles, whales, and other sea life. 

Which is exactly what those teenagers were protesting against last week. 

To make it worse, this week is Sea Week - a week raising awareness about ocean plastics, among others! 

Now, I know they're not the exact same group, but they're the same generation blaming previous generations for being negligent regarding sustainability. 

One week, thousands of teens are hitting the streets protesting littering, plastics, and sea pollution. 

The next week, thousands of teens are polluting the streets with their plastic feather boas which will pollute the sea. 

So, if you were one of those who took to the streets last week, and then polluted them this week with fluorescent plastic feathers - you're a hypocrite and need to start practising what you preach.