Tova O'Brien: Fifty days in, Chris Hipkins' whirlwind start as Prime Minister

Tova O'Brien: Fifty days in, Chris Hipkins' whirlwind start as Prime Minister

Opinion: Yesterday early afternoon I wrote an editorial about the sanctity of constabulary independence and how - despite really liking Stuart Nash as a person and as a Police Minister - I thought the Prime Minister needed to sack him. 

A few minutes later the editorial was rendered redundant. Stuart Nash was gone. 

But as I'd been writing the last line of that first editorial I marvelled. The last line read, "Independence. A core constitutional principle. One that may have just cost the PM his first minister.. And remember he's still not even two months into the top job".

Not even two months as Prime Minister. 

Let's take stock for just a moment.

Chris Hipkins was anointed in an incredible blaze of glory ignited by Jacinda Ardern and the moment she took the world by surprise, delivering that blindside sucker-punch resignation. 

There was Ratana, Waitangi… 

Then came the biblical floods that hit the country's biggest city. Thanks to an inept Mayor the Prime Minister - just a boy from the Hutt - had to step up in a local, as well central, capacity. 

Then came the duelling political polls aligned with hung parliaments and Hipkins debuting with the most coveted moniker - preferred prime minister. 

Then Hipkins first almighty wielding of the axe. His inspired cabinet reshuffle. Right people, right places, right jobs - hindsight sidebar Nashie not so much.

By the way, in this timeline we're still two weeks away from Cyclone Gabrielle.

Before that happened, Hipkins winged over to Oz for his first overseas trip. A success by all accounts. 

Flying home only to burn down half of Jacinda Ardern's unpopular policies - wasting an enormous amount of money but buying back an enormous chunk of political capital.

Then came the national state of emergency… Cyclone Gabrielle. The destruction, the death she wrought. 

An event that will be part of Hipkins' day-to-day prime ministership no matter how long he lasts. 

Then came the Rob Campbell saga… the Prime Minister showing us that ruthless side again. The chair of Health NZ sacked.

But wait there's more... This isn't enough for Hipkins. He strikes the match on another policy bonfire. He's like a cartoon villain cackling over a raging inferno. 

Today is the 16th of March 2023. Chris Hipkins has been the Prime Minister for fifty days. 

Not even two whole months in the job. 

I mean wow. I'm impressed and exhilarated. I mean if that's the first couple of months of an election year what's it gonna be like when it actually starts kicking off?