Farmers' Digest: The Importance Of Good Nutrition For Peak Farm Performance
Health and Wellbeing
Health and Wellbeing

Farmers' Digest: The Importance Of Good Nutrition For Peak Farm Performance

With the plethora of challenges Kiwis are facing every day, taking charge of what you can control is one way men's health and performance coach Aaron Callaghan advises some of his clients to help improve their lives.

He explains the profound impact proper nutrition can have on optimising performance on the farm, emphasising the transformative power of a high-protein breakfast specifically.

Callaghan also highlights the dangers of high-sugar diets and the significance of mindful eating, particularly for those in physically demanding jobs like farming. 

He further delves into the benefits of a structured and thought-out meal plan to set a strong base, particularly for hard, physically demanding work such as farming and how it can be implemented into busy, day-to-day life.

Listen to the full chat between Aaron Callaghan and Dominic George above.

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