Snow Forecasting Mysteries and Antarctic Polar Vortexes Unravelled

Snow Forecasting Mysteries and Antarctic Polar Vortexes Unravelled

With parts of the South Island experiencing varied quantities of snow over the past few days, WeatherWatch CEO Phil Duncan sheds light on the complexities of forecasting the specific details of snowfall in New Zealand. 

He explains that snow showers, much like rain showers, are unpredictable and can be hit or miss depending on the specific area, the volume and many other varying factors. 

Duncan also discusses the Antarctic polar vortex, a weather phenomenon that impacts New Zealand's climate, often in an unpredictable and 'messy' manner.

He attributes the recent snow-to-sea level report north of Christchurch to this phenomenon, noting that while one area experienced a significant dusting of snow, other regions remained untouched.

Listen to the full chat between Phil Duncan and Dominic George above.

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