'Not up to the job' - ACT leader David Seymour calls for Marama Davidson to be sacked

'Not up to the job' - ACT leader David Seymour calls for Marama Davidson to be sacked

Should she stay or should she go? 

The Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence and Sexual Violence, Marama Davidson, was at the counter-Posie-Parker-protest over the weekend and was filmed saying this: 

"I am the Prevention of Violence Minister and I know who causes violence in the world. It is white cis men," Davidson said. 

She's been copping a lot of flak for the comments, some saying it's inaccurate, untrue, sexist, and racist. 

Davidson released a statement on Monday afternoon saying she was "still in shock" when she made the comments because she had just been hit by a motorbike.

ACT Leader David Seymour is calling on Davidson to resign or be sacked, telling Lloyd Burr on Monday afternoon that she's just "not up to the job".

"You can't be the minister responsible for preventing family and sexual violence if you don't actually have a grasp of what the issue is," Seymour said.

"I have no doubt that many cisgender white males are perpetrators of family and sexual violence but I don't know if that information actually tells you much that's helpful for solving it and it's almost certainly not the whole picture.

"For it to be meaningful, they [cisgender white males] would have to be the perpetratorsā€¦ certainly the overwhelming majority of the time and I just don't think that's trueā€¦ If you're talking about the whole world, it's almost certainly not true.

"It's clearly an absurd statementā€¦ Davidson is all over the show."

Listen to the full interview between David Seymour and Lloyd Burr above.

You can also download the full interview on the Lloyd Burr Live podcast, and listen on the go. 

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