What is a Bag-man? - Gary McCormick finds out

What is a Bag-man? - Gary McCormick finds out

John Miles spent 30 years in the Police before he became the Bag-man for the Crusaders in 2004, a job he's still doing after 18 years.

"I've enjoyed every moment of it," Miles told Gary McCormick when they caught up on Friday night's show of McCormick Unleashed.

"I was lucky enough in 2001 to briefly cover for Errol Collins and in 2004 he got promoted to go and do the same job for the All Blacks and his job became vacant," Miles said.

"I applied for it and luckily enough, I got it.”

Miles explained in general terms what a Bag-man does.

"Generally it's doing most things that anyone else doesn't want to do," Miles joked.

"Basically it's preparing the gear. Like their playing kits, their off field kits and their training gear.

"I also make sure the balls are pumped up and the water bottles are full and there's a beer there for them after the game. 

"Just generally making sure that everything they need on game day and training days is ready to use."

In 2019, after his 250th game, Miles was given an award by the Crusaders for the achievement.

"That was really nice. The team presented me with a signed jersey," Miles said.

"Then the most humbling thing that probably ever happened to me really was they put on a team haka for me in the changerooms after a game.

"It was really emotional. That was something I'd never ever experienced before. I've seen it a few times, but having it performed in front of you, for you is a pretty special moment."

Listen to the interview between John Miles and Gary McCormick above.

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